While we wait. Again.
Moses went through some tough times. The pain, powerlessness and apparent purposelessness of his struggles may have made his waiting so much harder. But God wasted nothing and used all that time to heal and equip Moses. He can do the same with our waiting time.
While we wait.
Do you feel like life is in a holding pattern waiting for something to change before we can get on living. Jesus shows us how to live life to the fullest and to make the most of what we're experiencing even while we wait.
The Living & Active Rest.
When the Holy Spirit compares Scripture to a sharp blade, He shows us that Scripture, in His hands, is accurate and consistent, and harder than any heart. We do not separate Scripture, Scripture separates us. Like a surgeons scalpel it can cut away deceit and all of our self-centred pride and expose the truth of who we are and what our hearts intentions are. This is not to shame us, God already knows who we are and all of our intentions. The Sword of the Spirit is given to us to bring us to constant repentance and draw us into God’s will and His blessed rest.
The Living Vision II
When we as the Church love and worship God, and honour and obey His Word, we’re fulfilling His purpose for us. He instructs us in His Word to make disciples, teaching them to obey His Word too. This crazy time of lock-down provides an excellent opportunity to refocus on the simplicity of this mission.
The Living Vision.
The Church has a great opportunity in these difficult and painful times to see what God intends His Church to be, and then to pursue that vision anew, from our homes in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Surrender = Rest.
Hebrews 4:1-7, talks about the rest that God promises to believers. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:25-38 that we can come to Him for rest, and that a further rest is available to those who surrender control to Him, in the knowledge of His love and power.
On the Father’s Shoulders.
God designed families. Families are the building blocks of the Church. The Church begins in families and God has designed men to be fathers to their families. Being a father means loving our wives as ourselves and being present, loving, teaching, disciplining and protecting our families. Fathers are not just providers, and can not be dispensed with or substituted without painful consequences. The burden of being a good father can be overwhelming especially in the tough times that we are experiencing - but because of God's great love, He's given us the Gospel of Jesus Christ to make it possible.
Enter His Rest.
The people of the Exodus refused God’s offer of entering into His Peace. Their example is used by the author of Hebrews to encourage the Jewish Christians of the 1st Century to trust the Gospel of Jesus Christ and enter His Peace. Who get’s to enter God’s Peace, and what is God’s Peace? Does His Peace only start in heaven, or are we possibly missing something?
The growing problem of doubt.
We don't always think of distrusting God as sin, but it is. The Scriptures show us that we have a responsibility to help our brothers and sisters in Christ to avoid this, and stay strong in our faith.
Hard hearts find no rest.
Why is it so hard to find peace? The Holy Spirit warns us not to rebel against God and His purposes and plans for us. We're asked to trust Him, and in that Trust to find true rest.
Leaving Nostalgia.
We sometimes cope with loss by escaping into the past. Living in the past is dangerous. It robs us of the joy of the moment, and perhaps even of a future which we may never be able to regain. Focusing on Jesus, holding onto our faith in Him, and proclaiming His greatness are the best ways to deal with life's challenges and be effective in our purpose.
Ascension Day.
There are only three occasions in the New Testament where angels are sent with a public proclamation about Jesus the Messiah. At His birth, at His resurrection and finally at His Ascension. That puts the importance of the event into perspective.
Enemy Defeated, Children Delivered.
The Book of Hebrews shows how Jesus is greater than the Angels, how He had to become flesh and blood to win the greatest victory in all eternity. He has overcome the enemies of sin, death and the devil. We can confidently serve Him, free of fear, in the knowledge that He has conquered!
Not Ashamed.
As we break bread today, we look at Hebrews 2:10-13. Jesus Christ, God in the flesh who created all things and for Whom all things were created calls God’s children His brothers and sisters. Are we proud of His, and do we proclaim His death and resurrection.
Shaken to Peace.
How can we have peace in times of shaking, rather than going to pieces? The message is the background, context and overview of the book of Hebrews. It helps us to be able to interpret and apply the coming week’s Scriptures. It focuses on how God shakes things up to get rid of the stuff that distracts us and helps us to focus on what really matters.