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Hello boys and girls
In today’s true Bible story
you will hear about a very rich man
but a very dishonest man
who met Jesus and changed!


Zac was very unpopular - the people did not like Zacchaeus.
But Zac really wante dto meet Jesus
He made a really BIG effort to see Jesus.

And when Jesus saw him and went to his house
ZACCHAEUS had a BIG change of heart
And was very very sorry for all the bad things that he had done.

Jesus said that because of his change of heart - SALVATION had come to Zacs house!!!!

But the other people who saw who Jesus chose to spend time, with were shocked.

Why would Jesus go to a bad mans home!

Jesus told them….HE said that He had come to earth
to seek
(that means look)
and save the lost.

You see until we have a relationship with Jesus, we are lost too.
But Jesus looks for us and wants to save us.

We must be like Zacchaeus and LOOK for Jesus
and be sorry if we do wrongs things

28 July

God made us

6 October

Jesus 1st Miracle