
Hebrews 3:15-19 ESV  As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”  [16]  For who were those who heard and yet rebelled? Was it not all those who left Egypt led by Moses?  [17]  And with whom was he provoked for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness?  [18]  And to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest, but to those who were disobedient?  [19]  So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.

In this third chapter of Hebrews we’ve started to see a comparison between Jesus and Moses, showing how infinitely greater Jesus is. There is another comparison which shows how similar the first recipients of this letter of Hebrews (1st Century Jewish Christians) were to the followers of Moses. These few verses refer directly to Numbers 14, when God disciplined the people of Israel for refusing to enter Canaan. The people had rebelled and said they wished they had died in Egypt rather than go all the way to Canaan to die there. They rejected God’s Word because they thought they knew better. We’re probably a whole lot more like both of these groups than we realise.

It’s always good to focus on Jesus first, and then to discern where we are, and then to ask Him to help, strengthen and direct us to where we should be. We’ve already seen how faithful and strong Jesus is, how He fulfilled God’s purpose for Him, and never wavered in believing God and obeying Him. In Numbers 14 we’ve seen how the Israelites could not do this, they were blinded by their trials and only Joshua and Caleb held their faith. We’ve heard how the 1st Century Christians were persecuted and tempted to forsake their faith in Christ and return to the Old Covenant religion. Where are we?

We are living in extraordinary times and our faith is being tested. We’re being called to hold tight, and to keep trusting in God’s Word. We have to hold tight to our confession that the Scriptures are the Word of God, and we need to behave in a way that is consistent with that trust. Reading, studying and applying God’s Word is critical to the very identity of His Church. The Scriptures have survived millennia of persecution and attempts to destroy them, and so has God’s Church. He is always with us to protect us and carry us through our trials. Each trial, in the hands of God, is another way of purifying our faith and preparing for us a greater and more wonderful eternal future.

Jesus promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church, we can trust that promise. We can trust that He will keep and protect us, like He kept Peter’s faith (Luke 22:32). We must keep honouring and obeying His Word, soaking it in and applying it to our lives every day.


Father God of love and Mercy, please forgive us when we live like Your Word is just another book. Help us to stand strong and believe Your Word and honour and obey it for what it really is, the very Word of God. Help us not to reject Your promises and instructions and strengthen our resolve to read and study it diligently and continually. Bless us Father, with a love for Your Word and an ever growing appetite to hear and be transformed by it. In Jesus Name. Amen.


From the breaking of the dawn To the setting of the sun,
I will stand on every promise of Your word.
Words of power, strong to save, That will never pass away,
I will stand on every promise of Your word.

For Your covenant is sure, And on this I am secure,
I can stand on every promise of Your word.
When I stumble and I sin, Condemnation pressing in,
I will stand on every promise of Your word.

You are faithful to forgive, That in freedom I might live,
So I stand on every promise of Your word.
Guilt to innocence restored: You remember sins no more!
So I’ll stand on every promise of Your word.

When I’m faced with anguished choice, I will listen for Your voice,
And I’ll stand on every promise of Your word. Through this dark and troubled land
You will guide me with your hand As I stand on every promise of Your word.
And you’ve promised to complete Every work begun in me,
So I’ll stand on every promise of Your word.

Hope that lifts me from despair, Love that casts out every fear,
As I stand on every promise of Your word. Not forsaken, not alone,
For the Comforter has come, And I stand on every promise of Your word.
Grace sufficient, grace for me, Grace for all who will believe,
We will stand on every promise of Your word.

Listen to Every Promise of Your Word


To serve God through His Word we must know it well. Reading through the Bible is easier for most people when we follow a plan and ask someone to hold us accountable to sticking to that plan. Here is a collection of reading plans for us to use and to share. May the Lord Jesus bless you as you read His Word and help others to do the same.


On the father’s shoulders.


Daily Faith.