Daily Faith.
Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” - Hebrews 3:12-15 ESV
A university degree takes a lot of work, self discipline and perseverance, but once you have it, you can’t lose it. It bolsters a resume or CV and it’s value remains constant. Medals and awards for athletic achievements are the same. The practical benefits that came with all the hard work is very different though.
Setting record times on the athletic track may secure a permanent token of our achievements, but the underlying speed and fitness attained through all the hard work and training is far more fleeting. Stop running and our speed drops and our fitness fades.
Having training partners helps us to keep going. Someone who calls to encourage us to get up and go, to hold us accountable to our commitment to physical exercise is often the only thing which keeps us from lapsing back into inactivity. This is critical because of how difficult it is to regain fitness once it has faded. Staying active and maintaining fitness is far easier than regaining it after it has been lost.
Faith is the same. The author of Hebrews brings this message from the Holy Spirit. We need to help each other to keep exercising our faith, every day. Faith that fades becomes weaker and weaker, and more and more difficult to regain. Today is the day to hold onto our faith, to strengthen it through daily prayer, Scripture, worship and sharing it with others.
Our past faith is of no value, what counts is the faith we hold today. God has given us His Son, The Holy Spirit, His Word (The Scriptures), and the Church to help us to stay strong in faith, and to strengthen others so that when Jesus returns, He will find faith on earth (Luke 18:8).
Father God we love You, thank You for giving us everything we need to stay strong and to keep holding on to You. Thank You for the way that Jesus persevered through all His struggles to win a victory with eternal rewards for us. Please help us to hold tight to our faith, through Your Holy Spirit and by constant daily exercise in prayer, the Scriptures, worship and sharing Your love for us with others. In Jesus Name. Amen.
With great endurance, Lord I'm gonna run this race
Pressing toward the goal I will follow You with eyes of faith
You're training these hands for war You're showing me how to fight Standing on the Word
Taking up the sword of truth and life
The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is here We believe the calling is urgent
The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is here We're alive for something eternal
We're gonna fight the good fight Givin' it all for the Savior's sacrifice (Hey!)
Teach me to walk in love Shine as a light in me Even in the dark
I will live to be Your hands and feet I wanna see like You
So open my eyes I pray Lead me to the lost
Send me for the glory of Your name
The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is here The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is here
The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is here The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is here
Listen to Kingdom of God on Youtube
The Church is built of living stones, human hearts who are built up together in faith through the Holy Spirit. The Church starts in our homes, and we must look to build up each other, encouraging each other to keep praying, to keep studying God’s Word, to keep praising God in gratitude and to keep looking for ways to share what He has done for us, with others. This week, ask the Lord Jesus to help us to build up our families and to encourage each other to draw closer to Him and practice our faith together.