Long Term Planning.
So also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed by him who said to him, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you”; as he says also in another place, “You are a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.” Hebrews 5:5-6 ESV
Vision, planning and the process of working towards our goals is important. We need to think deeply about why we are here, and what we should do with the limited time that we have. The problem is, that we can not know the future. We can plan and work towards that plan, but we know that everything can change in a heartbeat, and our plans could come to nothing. For many of us that’s happening right now. Wouldn’t it be great if we could plan together with someone who knows the future and even directs it?
The High Priest was appointed by God to represent His people, to help them and direct them according to His Word. This High Priest was human and so could empathise with God’s people, but could only work with the people for a limited time before he himself died.
In God’s grace He has appointed Jesus Christ to be our High Priest, someone who can represent us, guide and direct us according to His Word. Jesus is both fully human and able to sympathise with our weakness, and completely God and thus eternal. We will never need another mediator, because Jesus has been given this office permanently. Eternally. He knows the future, He knows the reason for our existence, and He can empower us to fulfil that purpose.
Our long term plans may not be working out, we may even feel like we’re starting from scratch, but we can rest assured that if we make Jesus the centre and priority of our long term plans, that nothing past, present or future will be wasted in His all-powerful, all-knowing hands.
Dear Lord God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for giving us Your Son as our High Priest. Thank You that He has walked in our shoes and knows our joy and pain intimately. Thank You that He serves as our eternal High Priest able to direct, guide and restore us to You. Please help us to plan our lives, and work towards that plan according to His Word and example, and by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Please forgive us for going our own way and neglecting our relationship with You, and the service of Your Kingdom. Please help us Father to make Your will our highest priority. In Jesus Name Amen.
Great High Priest, we see Thee stooping, With our names upon Thy breast,
In the garden groaning, drooping, To the ground with sorrows pressed.
Weeping angels stand confounded, To behold their Maker thus,
And shall we remain unwounded, When we know ’twas all for us?
On the cross Thy body broken, Cancels every penalty;
Tempted souls produce this token All demands to satisfy.
All is finished; do not doubt it, But believe your dying Lord;
Never reason more about it, Only take Him at His Word.
Come, behold your Savior bleeding, Streams of mercy from Him flow,
Whilst before His Father pleading For those men who wrought His woe.
Lo, He cried, Father, forgive them, Though they do My life pursue,
I am willing to receive them, For they know not what they do.
Come, Thou everlasting Spirit, Bring to every thankful mind All the Savior’s dying merit,
All His suffering for mankind. True recorder of His passion, Now Thy living fire impart,
Now reveal Thy great salvation, Preach His Gospel to our heart.
Lord, we fain would trust Thee solely; ’Twas for us Thy blood was spilt;
Bruised Bridegroom, take us wholly, Take, and make us what Thou wilt.
Thou has borne the bitter sentence Passed on man’s devoted race;
True belief, and true repentance Are Thy gifts, Thou God of grace.
We plan holidays, weddings, businesses and almost every aspect of our lives. Do we plan our lives around Jesus and serving Him? We can start by making Him central to all our plans. Whatever you are planning, from a new garden to a new career, start by asking how is this going to glorify God and make His purposes the centre of my plans? If we think about our plans in this way, we will be intentional about the way that we serve God and His people. Not just on Sundays or days that we set apart, but in everything we think and do.