Moses had spent 40 days and 40 nights on mount Sinai with the Lord and when he came down the mountain his face was glowing - shining BECAUSE HE HAD BEEN SPEAKING WITH THE LORD
We can SHINE for Jesus HOW By speaking to the Lord and spending time with Him OUR FACES WON’T SHINE LIKE MOSES But people will know that we belong to Jesus by our KIND words our LOVING acts of kindness BY OUR FRUIT ( our ACTIONS)
OBJECT TALK LIGHT HIDDEN UNDER A BASKET (Matt 5:14-16) You will need a candle (or a solar lamp or flashlight) and a basket Why do we light candles? To see Jesus wants people to see Him through us
How do we hide it away? By being angry, saying ugly words, but being unkind
How do we let Him shine through us? By our actions and words (our kind and good actions)
MEMORY VERSE MATTHEW 5:16 Let your light shine before others so that thet may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven
CRAFT TIME LET’S MAKE LANTERNS Decorate glass jars or make paper lanterns