During this time in history, God's people were not honoring Him. Some even worshipped other gods. Because of this, God allowed an enemy called the Midianites to come and take everything from His people. The Midianites took the Israelites' land, animals, and food. God's people knew they were ruined and cried out to the Lord for help. The Lord heard their cries and had compassion on them. God decided to save His people through an unlikely warrior named Gideon. As we read the story in the Bible, we will see how Gideon learns that with God, nothing is impossible.
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10000 - 9700 = 300
In today's lesson, we see that God's people brought trouble on themselves when they stopped honoring Him and turned to other gods. God had mercy on His people when they asked Him for help. The Lord sent an unlikely warrior named Gideon to rescue the Israelites from the hands of the Midianites. As we read this historical account, we see that God used what the world would consider a "nobody" to deliver His people from their enemy. Gideon didn't rely on his own strength for the victory, but rather trusted God by obeying the plan God had given him. When we trust God, nothing is impossible.