The Sanitising Effect.


For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 1 Corinthians 7:14 ESV

One of the matriculating student leaders of the College I serve at, addressed her grade 12 peers as the “class with the cleanest hands in history”. Out hearts go out to those who had to endure the Covid-19 restrictions through their final year of high school. It’s been particularly hard for them, but it has affected us all, our hands too have never been cleaner. Hand sanitiser is everywhere. We can’t go anywhere without someone trying to add another layer of a differently scented sanitiser to our already sterile hands.

The Church in Corinth was extraordinary in the fact that it was full of new Christians, people who had recently turned their backs on pagan religions. They were concerned that they might have to separate from their husbands and wives who had not yet taken the same decision. Their fear was that their unbelieving spouse would somehow make them unclean.

Paul reassures them. Remember what Jesus taught about believers being salt and light? (Matthew 5:13) Salt disinfects and sanitises wounds. Wounds don’t infect salt. The Holy Spirit gives the same assurance through Paul. Believers sanitise their unbelieving households, not the other way around. A believing wife or husband provides the safest and surest environment for the rest of the family to come into a relationship with Jesus and be made clean. Washed by His eternal love.


Dear Father God in Heaven, Thank You for Your precious Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for the way that His loves flows through us and shows the world the truth. Thank You for giving us the privilege of being salt to a sickly world, and for being blessed to shine the light of Jesus love to those whose eyes have not yet been opened. Please help us to keep shining for the glory of Your Name. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


Oh Jesus, son of God, so full of grace and truth
The Father's saving word, so wonderful are You
The angels longed to see and prophets searched to find
The glory we have seen revealed

You shone upon the Earth but who will understand?
You came unto Your own but who will recognize?
Your birth was prophesied, for You were the Messiah
Who came and walked upon the Earth

Your glory we have seen, the one and only King
And now You're living in our hearts

Light of the world, light of the world
Light of the world, You shine upon us
Light of the world, light of the world
Light of the world, You shine upon us

In You all things were made and nothing without You
In Heaven and on Earth all things are held in You
And yet You became flesh, living as one of us
Under the shadow of the cross

Where, through the blood You shed
You have made peace again
Peace for the world that God so loves

Light of the world, light of the world
Light of the world, You shine upon us
Light of the world, light of the world
Light of the world, You shine upon us

Light of the world, light of the world
Light of the world, You shine upon us
Light of the world, light of the world
Light of the world, You shine upon us

And yet You became flesh, living as one of us
Under the shadow of the cross

Where, through the blood you shed
You have made peace again
Peace for the world that God so loves

Listen to Light of the World


Remembering that Jesus is the light of the world and that we can’t shine apart from Him, helps us in times of struggle. The knowledge that we are the salt and are here to provide the best environment for unbelievers to come to know Jesus is deeply comforting. We can not save another person, only Jesus can do that, but we can live is the best way possible to give them every opportunity to abandon the darkness and choose the light of the world. We need to go and be salt and light, for glory of God, and in gratitude for what He’s already done for us. It’s the very best way to serve our families and friends.


Looking for a hero.


Behind the curtain.