Sure of better things.
Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation. For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. Hebrews 6:9-10 ESV
Nobody likes uncertainty. Just look around at the current climate of the virus restricted world we’re trying to make sense of. It’s so difficult to build and plan in these times, knowing how drastically everything can change in a heartbeat. We’ve learned that the certainty that we used to bank on was never truly dependable. Where can we find real certainty?
The book of Hebrews is all about exhortations, there are 5 of them throughout the book, each one containing a warning and an encouragement. These exhortations (warning and encouragements) aren’t there to make us afraid and uncertain, they are there to give us deep and enduring assurance. This verse is the encouraging part of the exhortation not to become lazy towards the Scriptures. It reminds us that a deep love for fellow Christians and determined commitment to serve each other by obedience to the Scripture, actually provides us with the assurance that we will not fall away from God.
A great encouragement and assurance of God’s enduring love for us comes with every act of service to Him and the building up of His Kingdom. These acts are evidence of God’s Holy Spirit at work in and through our lives and therefore evidence that we belong to Him. Combined with the promises of God, and the testimony of the Holy Spirit, this provides the most precious assurance of value, belonging, purpose and eternal security.
Dear Father God Almighty, Thank You for the precious promises of Your Word, that all who repent and believe the good news of the life death and resurrection of Your Son will not die but have eternal life. Thank You for the Testimony of Your Holy Spirit that assures us that we are the children of God, and Thank You for empowering us to do the works of service that You prepared long ago for us to do. Thank You for the assurance that these works provide in testifying to the work of Your Holy Spirit in us. Please keep us encouraged, keep us assured, and be Glorified in us, In Jesus Name. Amen.
Brother, Let Me Be Your Servant
Let Me Be As Christ To You
Pray That I May Have The Grace
To Let You Be My Servant, Too
We Are Pilgrims On A Journey
We Are Brothers On The Road
We Are Here To Help Each Other
Walk The Mile And Bear The Load
I Will Hold The Christ Light For You
In The Night-Time Of Your Fear
I Will Hold My Hand Out To You
Speak The Peace You Long To Hear
I Will Weep When You Are Weeping
When You Laugh I’ll Laugh With You
I Will Share Your Joy And Sorrow
Till We’ve Seen This Journey Through
When We Sing To God In Heaven
We Shall Find Such Harmony
Born Of All We’ve Known Together
Of Christ’s Love And Agony
Brother, Let Me Be Your Servant
Let Me Be As Christ To You
Pray That I May Have The Grace
To Let You Be My Servant, Too
Listen to Let me be your servant
There are so many ways in which we can serve each other for the glory of God. Sometimes a phone call of encouragement, words of validation, prayers, gifts and acts of service. Whenever we find ourselves struggling most in our faith, we should look at ways of serving other believers. Sharing the Gospel, inviting others into spaces where we can care for them and serve them is an incredible way of building our own faith, and theirs. Please contact us if you are looking for opportunities to serve, we would love to hear from you. Email us on God bless you.