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The Hunger and Thirst Games

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled”

Matthew 5:6

Welcome to "The Hunger and Thirst Games," an exciting new series where we dive deep into what it means to truly seek after God. Inspired by Matthew 5:6, this journey challenges us to hunger and thirst for righteousness, promising that when we do, we will be filled. Throughout this series, we’ll explore how to stay strong in our faith, even when faced with life’s toughest challenges.

  • Lesson 1: Entering the Arena

    Theme: Facing Temptation
    Scripture: John 1:19-27 (The Testimony of John the Baptist)

    We start by looking at John the Baptist, who faced temptations of fame and recognition but remained committed to his purpose of pointing to Jesus. This lesson will help us understand that facing temptation is part of our journey, and true righteousness is found in fulfilling God’s calling.

  • Lesson 2: Finding Your Strength

    Theme: True Satisfaction
    Scripture: John 4:1-42 (The Woman at the Well)

    In this lesson, we explore Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman. She came seeking physical water but left transformed by the living water that Jesus offered. We’ll discuss how true satisfaction comes from a relationship with Christ, meeting our deepest spiritual needs.

  • Lesson 3: Standing Till the End

    Theme: Commitment to Christ
    Scripture: John 6:60-69 (Many Disciples Turn Back)

    This session focuses on the moment when many of Jesus' followers deserted Him after His challenging teachings. We will reflect on the importance of commitment and understanding who Jesus is—the Bread of Life—and how we can choose to stand firm in our faith, even when it’s tough.

  • Lesson 4: Catching the Fire

    Theme: Empowered by the Holy Spirit
    Scripture: John 7:37-39 (Rivers of Living Water)

    We conclude the series with Jesus’ invitation to come and drink from the living water that the Holy Spirit provides. This lesson emphasizes the empowerment that comes from seeking Jesus, igniting a fire within us to live boldly and share the gospel.

  • Lesson 5: Walking in the Light

    Theme: Following Jesus
    Scripture: John 8:12 (Jesus, the Light of the World)

    In our final lesson, we focus on Jesus as the Light of the World, guiding us in our spiritual journey. We’ll discuss how following Him illuminates our path and equips us to shine His light in the world, fulfilling our calling as His disciples.

Get a sneak peek into "The Hunger and Thirst Games" by watching the video below!

To anchor our "Hunger and Thirst Game" series, we're diving into some powerful worship songs that perfectly capture the themes we'll be exploring.

Prayer Points for The Hunger and Thirst Game Series:

1. Desire for Righteousness:

- Pray that God would cultivate a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness in our hearts, inspiring us to seek Him above all else.

- Ask for a renewed passion to live lives that reflect His holiness and love.

2. Strength in Temptation:

- Pray for the strength to resist temptation, just as Jesus did in the wilderness.

- Ask God to help us recognize and overcome the challenges we face, relying on His Word for guidance.

3. Spiritual Nourishment:

- Pray that we would find our ultimate satisfaction in Jesus, the living water and bread of life.

- Ask God to help us depend on Him for our spiritual needs and not be swayed by worldly distractions.

4. Perseverance in Faith:

- Pray for the courage to stand firm in our faith, even when it’s difficult or unpopular.

- Ask for the grace to remain committed to following Jesus, trusting that He will sustain us.

5. Empowerment by the Holy Spirit:

- Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us with a fiery passion to spread the gospel and live boldly for Christ.

- Ask God to ignite a spiritual fire within us that never burns out, fueling our desire to serve and love others.

6. Unity and Support:

- Pray for unity within our youth group as we journey through this series together.

- Ask God to help us support and encourage one another as we grow in our faith.

7. Open Hearts and Minds:

- Pray that everyone participating in the series would have open hearts and minds, ready to receive God’s truth.

- Ask for the Spirit’s guidance to apply what we learn in practical ways in our daily lives.

8. Transformation:

- Pray that this series would be a catalyst for real and lasting transformation in our lives.

- Ask God to help us not just be hearers of the Word, but doers who live out our faith in tangible ways.

14 January


9 February

Love: The Greatest Commandment